Dimosthenis Bogiatzis

What is a symbol? Where does the sequence of patterns lead to? Where does man stand in front of them? By studying the symbols and the patterns you elucidate the nature itself. You enter a well-known and at the same time unknown to you world, where the amount of truth that you can convey, is that you yourself are part of this nature.
Since the dawn of his existence, man has developed the need to observe and create images which would decode his surroundings. He will try to give his interpretation for the world and the conditions which surround him. He will create communication codes, choose what to keep and which elements to reject, define and give his meaning to things. In essence, he will recombine the world into a new reality and by watching himself in his own construction, he will redefine himself and create new selves. Thus, man customizes what he has to comprehend, gives them a name and an image. He makes symbols and compresses meanings in them. He makes patterns and in their repetition he conceals ideas.
Degree Show Visual and Applied Arts Aristotle University of Thessaloniki 2016
mixed media prints etching, lino-cut, collagraph on paper